Jessica started her career as a high school English teacher in Camden, NJ. Her teaching experience fueled her interest in how schools and communities facilitate young people’s growth, development and learning. Jessica’s primary research examines how young people become active contributors to their communities, and how their engagement promotes the healthy development of youth and communities.
Select Publications:
Collura, J., Raffle, H., Collins, A., & Kennedy, H. (2019). Creating spaces for young
people to collaborate to create community change: Ohio’s Youth-Led Initiative. Health
Education and Behavior, 46(1), 44-52. doi: 10.1177/1090198119853571
Zeldin, S., Gauley, J., Krauss, S.E., Kornbluh, M. & Collura, J. (2015). Youth-adult partnership
and youth civic development: Cross-national analyses for scholars and field professionals. Youth
& Society. doi: 10.1177/0044118X15595153
Collura, J. & Christens, B. (2015). Perspectives on systems change among local change
agents: A comparative study. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 25(1), 19 - 33.
doi: 10.1002/casp.2192
Flanagan, C., Kim, T., Collura, J., & Kopish, M. (2014). Community service and adolescents’
social capital. Journal of Research on Adolescence. doi: 10.1111/jora.12137
Christens, B.D., Collura, J., Kopish, M.A., & Varvodic, M. (2014). Youth organizing for
school and neighborhood improvement. In K.L. Patterson & R.M. Silverman (Eds.), Schools and
urban revitalization: Rethinking institutions and community development (pp. 151-166).
New York: Routledge