John Glenn College of Public Affairs
Ohio Education Research Center

Ohio Education Research Center

Current Projects

Adult Protective Services Dashboard

Develop specific metrics to assess three aspects of Ohio’s county-administered Adult Protective Services programs: (1) Data quality; (2) Compliance and (3) Performance. The goal is to generate metrics for each county APS program and provide ODAPS administrators and managers at JFS with a dashboard to monitor compliance and help identify opportunities for improvement.

Broadband & 5G Sector Partnership

The transformative impact of 5G is increasingly apparent worldwide. However, many citizens have limited access to high-speed internet, of which the State of Ohio is a primary example. The race to 5G has become a matter of national competitiveness and economic security for the United States, and although the wireless industry is poised to make major investments in building out the 5G network, a lack of a skilled workforce is limiting such efforts.

Attendance Study

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce is partnering with the Ohio Education Research Center (OERC) to conduct a statewide study on school attendance. This study seeks to learn more about patterns and outcomes related to student attendance in Ohio, as well as local school district attendance policies.

Recent Dashboards

Ohio’s Broadband & 5G Sector Workforce Asset Map

Ohio’s Broadband & 5G Sector Workforce Asset Map

This initial version of the Workforce Asset Map Dashboard displays Ohio’s Broadband & 5G Sector Partnership workforce development resources including education and training programs, labor market trends by geographic region, and skills aligned with the needs of employers.
Ohio's Evidence-Based Clearinghouse

Ohio's Evidence-Based Clearinghouse

The OERC collaborated with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to develop Ohio's Evidence-Based Clearinghouse, an online tool intended to empower Ohio’s districts with the knowledge, tools and resources that will help them identify, select and implement evidence-based strategies for improving student success.
Workforce Success Measures

Workforce Success Measures

The Workforce Success Measures Dashboard is a useful tool for finding the education and training resources that are right for you. The dashboard gives users a way to easily access and understand data to gain valuable knowledge for navigating their career journey.